Head of Research Unit
Lorenza Putignani
The activity of the Microbiome Research Unit is aimed at developing and applying bioinformatics algorithms for the realization of maps of pediatric microbiomes, associated with gastrointestinal or gastrointestinal-related physiological and pathological conditions.
The Research Unit is also responsible for creating, expanding and maintaining the pediatric and adult microbiome bank and analyzing the genome, metabolome and proteome of intestinal microbiomes and other districts with omics and meta-omics tools.
The Research Unit designs proteomic and metaproteomic pipelines and transfers the microbial profiles associated with some pediatric pathologies to the fecal transplant clinic, to the diagnostics of the intestinal microbiota and to the choice of corrective nutritional profiles of dysbiosis, by means of original decision support system algorithms. Finally, the Unit deals with finalizing the preparation of the proteomic-metabolomic suite of the Area.