About Us

Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, an Institution belonging to the Holy See, is the largest European Pediatric Hospital and Research Center. It cooperates with the main international centers of the sector, acting as a point of reference for the health of children and teenagers coming from all over Italy and from abroad. 

Healthcare is provided at 6 different hospitalization and care facilities: the historical headquarters on the Gianicolo Hill, in Rome, to which the San Paolo Fuori le Mura and Viale Baldelli facilities were added over the years, along with the Palidoro and Santa Marinella facilities, located on the coast of Lazio, together with the newer Passoscuro facility, inaugurated in 2022 and dedicated to pediatric palliative care. The Hospital has a total of 627 beds, 40 of which in the intensive care unit, and 22 in the neonatal sub-intensive care unit.

San Paolo facility also houses the Hospital’s large research laboratories, equipped with the latest technologies for gene and cell research, as well as the Pharmaceutical Workshop, dedicated to the production of advanced therapy medicinal products. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital is also home to the Italian team of Orphanet, the world’s largest database for rare diseases, which brings together more than 40 countries.

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis