Preventive and Predictive Medicine


Head of Research Unit
Alberto Eugenio Tozzi


The Research Unit studies the use of artificial intelligence to optimize the patient journey and to improve the classification and prediction of the prognosis of pediatric diseases. 

It deals with studying the applications of telemedicine, analyzing the trends and causes of vaccine hesitancy (skepticism towards vaccinations and their effectiveness), and exploring digital communication strategies for health promotion.

The Unit also studies the factors influencing systemic and cerebral insulin sensitivity, the effect of the interaction between genetics, prenatal environment and diet in the first year of life on the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation and cardio metabolic pathologies. It also deals with investigating effective strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric obesity, and analyzes the role of the mechanoenvironment in the onset and progression of complex diseases. 

Finally, the Research Unit investigates the role of microRNAs circulating in different biological samples as possible biomarkers of pediatric pathologies, and applies 2D and 3D cellular models of skin and microRNA delivery to facilitate tissue regeneration.

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis