
The general objective of this project is to improve the quality and safety of pediatric tertiary care in Libya, strengthening the capacity of the national healthcare workforce (doctors, pharmacists, technicians and nurses) of the two national pediatric hospitals, Tripoli University Hospital (TUH) and Benghazi Children’s Hospital (BCH), in the areas of pediatric intensive care and pediatric oncology.


Child health services in Libya are provided though both PHC and hospital facilities, with General Practitioners (GPs) in the PHC facilities providing both preventive and curative care, and hospital facilities providing treatment by padiatric specialists for more complex health issues.

Neonatal deaths in Libya account for over half of the deaths in children under 5. In terms of newborn care, 33 hospitals report that they have newborn wards, and only 7 have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Child health care at the PHC level is not available in 36 out of the 100 municipalities of Libya, indicating an inequitable distribution of child health care in the country. The full package of child health services is available at PHC facilities in 13 municipalities. 

The overall core health worker density in Libya is 76 per 10,000 population, which is more than three times the WHO’s target to achieve adequate coverage rates for key primary health care interventions. Although there are no shortages of core staff at the national level, there is a shortage of specialized nurses and doctors. The total number of qualified paediatricians is less than 800 and the overall proportion of hospitals with staff who have received specific training on neonatal and child health care is low.

The Project

Project partners
ENI Foundation

Pediatric specialties
To be defined

To be defined

Activities 2023

  • ENI is available to finance a project with the WHO concerning cancer patients to implement the intervention capacity of local doctors and nurses.

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis