Scientific Department


Andrea Onetti Muda

The Scientific Department promotes and coordinates the clinical and experimental research activities that distinguish Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, which was recognized as a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare in 1985.

The Scientific Department promotes, coordinates, and regulates the scientific and research activities of the Hospital; it also provides administrative and technical support to research, transferring knowledge from the bench to the bedside, thus promoting the continuous sharing of information between the laboratory and the clinic. It acquires the resources that are allocated to the development of research activities, and sets out the strategic guidelines.

The Scientific Department organizes the activity, with particular attention to translational aspects and innovation, through networking and clinical and pre-clinical research. It ensures and monitors the performance of the activities of the research laboratories, in compliance with the ethical principles of the Hospital.

It manages the relations with the institutions, including the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, with universities, with Italian and foreign research institutes, the European Commission, and the National Research Council (CNR). The Scientific Department also takes care of raising funds for research; besides, it monitors the scientific production and ensures the protection of the intellectual property of the discoveries made by the Hospital researchers.

The Scientific Technical Committee – an advisory body composed of the Hospital Directors, the Directors of the Research Areas, and the Heads of the related Research Units – supports the Scientific Department in the promotion, planning and organization of research. The Research Areas are organizational units resulting from the structural and functional integration of several research, clinical and management units. They are divided into Research Units, that carry out one or more projects, aimed at reaching specific scientific, care or management objectives.

Research Area

Multimodal Laboratory Medicine

Translational Specialized Pediatrics

Clinical, Management and Technology Innovation


Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Drugs Development


Multifactorial and Complex Diseases

Genetics and Rare Diseases

Bambino Gesù

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis