This project aims at the implementation of innovative technologies in high-risk neurosurgical interventions for the treatment of neurological rare diseases, like drug-resistant epilepsies and movement disorders (e.g., dystonia), as well as neoplastic lesions of brain areas related to vital functions or other functions that are indispensable for the patient’s interaction with the environment, like speech.
The knowledge of the biological and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these pediatric rare and complex neurological diseases have significantly reshaped the diagnostic pathway and the therapeutic options available for these conditions. In this regard, the surgical indications have been modified and, at the same time, minimally invasive techniques have been implemented to reduce the invasiveness and to treat conditions that were previously considered as “inoperable” due to the high probability of causing neurological deficits. These improvements also help to treat other conditions that are not strictly neurosurgical but which, due to the involvement of vital organs (e.g., the cardiovascular system) or to their close relationship with nervous structures (mediastinal or pelvic diseases), can entail a high neurological risk for the patient.
This project primarily aims at the development of an integrated technological system capable of offering an advanced diagnostic and therapeutic pathway. The second goal of the project is to improve the care provided for this type of pediatric diseases. Finally, concerning knowledge dissemination, the project aims at supporting the training of young specialists taking part in the dedicated training program provided by the Hospital.
Through this project, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital presents itself as a reference point for the other pediatric centers operating throughout the country.
Our project involves the implementation of the technological systems that are already in use, as well as the purchase of new advanced systems, with an integration between the new ones and those already available.
This solution allows for the creation of a flexible and effective care pathway, that meets the clinical needs of the patient and that will allow both for the improvement of the surgical performance and of the postoperative outcome, and for the possibility for the individual operators to perform their activities in suitable environments, not limited to the operating room.
The integrated and multidisciplinary pathway is divided into two phases: diagnostic and surgical therapy. In the first one, 3D models will be created to summarize the pre-surgery process, allowing for an accurate planning of the surgery based on a precise outlining of the preoperative phase. The second step consists in the implementation of the surgical plan using advanced technologies integrated with modern robotics. The technologies envisaged for the preoperative phase involve the use of the 3D virtual planning and virtual reality system (already in use) and the purchase of a new system that allows for further improvement of the image quality (Materialize Mimix). For the intraoperative phase, we will acquire a new intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring system (Cadwell Iomax) and a remote viewing platform of the neurophysiological monitoring activities that are in progress in multiple operating rooms. A new neuronavigation system (Medtronic S8) will be integrated in line with the 3D laboratory for the planning phase. The project also provides for the purchase of the exoscopic intraoperative visualization system (Olympus) which allows for a 3D magnification and visualization of the surgical field based on an ergonomic and working group interaction mode, that is superior to the one provided by the operating microscope.
This equipment is important for the training of young specialists and will involve a communication mode based on the metaverse system used for the dissemination of knowledge.
1,300,000 EUR