Health Department


Health Director
Massimiliano Raponi

The Health Department guides, ensures, and coordinates the health activities of the Hospital. It is divided into functional areas and services, performing managerial and organizational activities, and into Departments, in charge of providing the health services.

The Health Department is responsible for the clinical governance of the Hospital in terms of quality, operational efficiency, and appropriateness. Specifically, it is responsible for:

  • coordinating and integrating the healthcare, hygienic, technical, and organizational processes
  • answering to the requests for healthcare, from a care, technical, and methodological standpoint, as well as in terms of general coordination 
  • assessing the appropriateness of the medical and surgical services provided, also in terms of compliance of the clinical and care pathways, and of correct management of the resources
  • monitoring, preventing, and controlling the risk of infection for children, staff, and visitors
  • identifying, managing, limiting, and monitoring clinical risk, also with the implementation of “good practice” projects to improve the quality of care
  • managing the Hospital services, including hotel services
  • monitoring the clinical documentation: from the drafting to the filing and transmission to the users
  • coordinating the activities for institutional accreditations
  • maintaining relations with institutions and authorities

The Health Department is the ultimate guarantor of healthcare within the Hospital, and of the coordination of the healthcare staff. The centrality of children and families guides all its activities.

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis