Administration Department
Antonio Perno
In compliance with the general strategic objectives defined by the President, the Administration Department promotes and implements the administrative objectives that are functional to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Hospital’s activities, according to the principles of transparency, regulatory protection, and labor protection.
Therefore, the Administration Department is responsible for:
- The overall legal protection of the Hospital and the related consultancy to the management on the correct implementation of initiatives
- The overall human resources management with a view to regulatory protection and enhancement
- The effective implementation of information systems to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, data integrity and transparency
- The cross-cutting management of the general services of the Hospital and of the relationships with suppliers, according to the needs and to the contracts, and in compliance with safety and environmental standards
- The management of facilities and buildings in terms of effectiveness and rationalization in order to ensure quality, safety and environmental protection
- The management of the biomedical technologies – for purposes of efficiency, functionality and safety of the patient and of the operators – and the evaluation, based on multidisciplinary processes, of the most relevant health technologies to be acquired or developed
- The management of relations with the suppliers through adequate qualification, selection and monitoring, and the subsequent signing of contracts
- The management of administrative flows and relations with financial institutions; accounting and drafting of the financial statements and, more generally, of the related institutional information, also concerning the sustainability report
- The protection of the Hospital’s physical assets and of the safety of access
- The monitoring of non-economic indicators
- The activities related to the functions of the Governing Bodies and of the auditing company, also providing direct support by the Administration Director, as Secretary, to the Board of Directors and, if required, to the Board of Auditors in the related investigations