Accreditations and certifications

Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, aware of the importance and the need of an internationally recognized Quality Management System, deemed it appropriate to implement two different voluntary accreditation systems:

  • The accreditation, mainly involving care areas, according to the Joint Commission International standards, to support the continuous improvement of the quality of care and to ensure patient safety 
  • The certification according to the UNI EN ISO standards, involving mainly the administrative and management areas of the Hospital, as well as some cross-cutting services supporting clinical practice

The Program for the Continuous Improvement of the Quality of Hospital Care also provides for a constant integration between the two methodologies, in order to ensure the implementation of shared (and not duplicated) quality promotion processes.


The Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation is the process by which a healthcare organization, upon voluntary request, is examined in order to assess its compliance with a set of standards of excellence, designed to improve patient safety and the quality of healthcare. 

The survey, or accreditation visit, assesses an organization’s compliance with the Joint Commission International standards and with their measurable elements. The conformity assessment is based on:

  • interviews with operators and patients, and other verbal information
  • direct observation of the care processes by the evaluators 
  • review of policies, procedures, clinical practice guidelines, and other documents provided by the organization.

To be accredited, an organization needs to show an acceptable level of compliance with all the standards, and to achieve a minimum score. Accredited organizations receive an Official Survey Findings Report and the Certificate of Accreditation. The report indicates the level of compliance with the standards achieved by the organization.

The Hospital was awarded its first JCI Accreditation in 2006, which was renewed every three years, in 2009 and 2012. In 2015, thanks to its medical training and clinical research activities, Bambino Gesù Hospital obtained the JCI certification as a “Academic Medical Center”, an international accreditation valid for three years and renewed in 2019 and 2021.

“The dream of Bambino Gesù Hospital,
the dream of the Pope, is to help bring
science and humanity to all children with
very severe diseases who need to be treated”
Pope Francis